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Posted by Beverly at Jul 11, 2014 8:28:42 PM
Who would you not want to marry?
One very popular Japanese news blog polled their readers about 'Who would you not want to marry?' and came up with these interesting responses.

I thought this was interesting how many still focus on the financial aspect of marriage, looking at a man's prospects. This is a very traditional Japanese point of view, even for women who are currently employed. You won't often hear an American woman say such things about her potential spouse (such as, 'he better have a good job!'), however maybe this is a realistic point of view as life is not cheap and at least they are looking at it realistically rather than 'marrying for love'. Still the idea of choosing or rejecting a mate based on money is foreign to me.

What the women have to say:

My younger brother’s a NEET [no education, employment or training]. I can’t bear the thought of settling down with someone like that and having to shoulder all of the financial responsibility.

A man with a low income. If he doesn't have money he’s not even worth considering.

A guy who’s overly fussy about his food. If we were to marry, I think he’d be too critical of my cooking.

Someone who only thinks about themselves. I couldn't marry someone who has no interest in hearing what others have to say.

Men who make a point of saying how they’re “herbivores” and never approach women.

Guys who still like to be fussed over by their mothers who are always butting in. Absolutely no way.

A narcissist. It would be physically draining to be with someone who is always obsessed with how they look.

Bad kissers.

A man who earns less than me. When it comes to raising kids, money is important; I need more financial security.

Someone who drops trash on the street, or who smokes while walking around outside.

I couldn't marry someone who has no future prospects. A man who talks about things like opening a restaurant of their own, but who has no actual experience, isn't the kind of person I could settle down with.

I once dated a guy who got irritated with me for not arranging my shoes neatly when I took them off before entering his apartment. That kind of person would choke me.

A man who smothers me emotionally.

What men had to say:

I wouldn't marry a woman whose notion of the value of money differs to my own. I once spent a lot of time choosing a gift for a girl, but when I gave it to her, she maintained that it was too cheap and wasn't in the slightest bit pleased.

It’s impossible for me to imagine us making a happy family of our own if my partner doesn't first get along with my family.

Overly emotional or moody women. One minute she’s crying, the next she’s laughing. Five minutes later she’s sunk back down. That kind of person.

A woman who likes drinking. I can’t stomach alcohol, so being with a woman who gets drunk and then starts acting silly kind of irks me.

I couldn't marry a smoker. People knowingly damaging their own body like that is a big turn off for me.

I can’t stand girls with big egos who deny my character. I’m pretty strong-willed so I don’t think I’d fit well with someone similar to me.

A woman whose ideas about the future and family don’t match up with my own. After giving birth, I’d rather she take a few years off to take care of the kid.

Big, round takoyaki cheeks! Unforgivable!

Girls who don’t like the same foods that I do.

Clingy women. Someone who reads all of my emails or checks up on me. I need a little privacy in my life!

Messy girls who don’t tidy up. I just can’t see myself living with that kind of girl.

Doesn't do any housework. Smokes. Fashion queens who cover themselves in makeup. I want to marry a more family oriented girl.

Serial cheaters. Even if we got married I’d always be anxious that she’d cheat on me.