Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: hot spring

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Shirahama Spa

alternative words: Shirahamaonsen Spa, Shirahama onsen, Shirahamaonsen, Shirahama
keywords: hot spring , tourist resort , wakayama
related topics: Wakayama Prefecture
related web sites: ,
explanation: Shiraham Spa was called "Hot spring of Muro" in Asuka-Nara period and developing as a hot spring town along Kumano road. It received even regular visits of each Emperor from afar because of its fame. After the opening of West Kisei line railroad, it has become suddenly a big spa town of south Ki region.

Takarazuka city

alternative words: Takarazukashi city, Takazazukashi, Takazazuka shi, Takarazuka
keywords: hot spring , tourist resort , town
related topics: Hyogo prefecture , Hankyu railway , Itami airport
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located in the south east of Hiyogo prefecture near Itami airport, Takarazuka had been notorious for its hot spring since Nara period. But Takarazuka has developed really since the opening of Hankyu railway and the installation of the famous Takarazuka music hall with its school of dancers. Its population is 194,000.

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