Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: famous person

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Ninomiya Kinjiro

二宮金次郎 二宮尊徳
alternative words: Ninomiya Sontoku, Kinjiro Ninomiya, Sontoku Ninomiya
keywords: famous person , scholar , statesman
related topics: Daimyo , Edo period
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explanation: Born in 1787 in a poor peasant family of the western Kanagawa and lost both parents in childhood. But young Kinjiro succeeded to become a great land owner by hardworking abandoned fields. Due to the development of a money based economy, many daimyo of Kanto region had been over indebted so they asked an aid of Kinjiro to restore desolated villages. As a symbol of hardworking, many Japanese schools had a statue of young Kinjiro, reading a book while transporting firewood.

Nitta Yoshisada

keywords: famous person
related topics: Emperor Godaigo , Ashikaga Takauji
explanation: Born in 1301 as a Gokenin family of Genji origin in Kamituske region (actual Gunma prefecture), he has become one of the most trusted war lords of Emperor Godaigo, when he successfully destroyed Kamakura Shogunate in 1333 but soon a dispute with Ashikaga Takauji who was more habile politician on the control of the new imperial regime broke out. He was killed in 1338 during the battle of Fujishima near his fief of Echizen when his horse stumbled in mud.

Noguchi Hideyo

alternative words: Hideyo Noguchi
keywords: famous person , scholar
related topics: Meiji period
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explanation: Japanese bacteriologist, born in 1876 in Fukushima prefecture. He worked his way through school to become a doctor. In 1900, he immigrated to America to become a research assistant at Pennsylvania university then Rockefeller institute. He won a reputation of great scientist by discovering the agent of syphilis disease in 1911. In 1928, he died in Africa during his research on yellow fever by contracting himself this disease.

Oda Nobunaga

alternative words: Nobunaga Oda, Nobunaga
keywords: famous person , war lord
related topics: Muromachi shogunate , Sengoku period , Imagawa Yoshimoto , Toyotomi Hideyoshi , Battle of Nagashino , Akechi Mitsuhide
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explanation: Born in the family of a local war lord in 1534 near Nagoya, a legend says that he would have feigned foolish when he was young to distract others. After having eliminated by a surprising attack, another war lord, Imagawa Yoshimoto who threatened from the east, Nobunaga went to Kyoto to give orders to others in the name of Shogun and Emperor. After many successful battles, he was assassinated by his deputy, Akechi Mitsuhide in 1582 on the road to the western Japan.

Okakura Tenshin

岡倉天心 岡倉覚三
alternative words: Okakura Kakuzo, Tenshin Okakura, Kakuzo Okakura
keywords: art , famous person , scholar
related topics: Yokoyama Taikan , Hashimoto Gaho
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explanation: Born in 1862 in Yokohama. When he was a student at Tokyo university, he met Ernest Fenollosa and decided to restore the value of Japanese art. First he entered the education ministry and organized a protection of old Japanese art. He founded in 1890 the first Japanese art academy, Tokyo bijutsu gakko. After the eviction, he founded Nihon Bijutsuin to synthesize Japanese and western arts with Hashimoto Gaho and Yokoyama Taikan then led Asian section of Boston Museum in 1904. He died in 1913.

Okamoto Kansuke

alternative words: Kansuke Okamoto, Okamoto Kanpo, Kanpo Okamoto
keywords: explorer , famous person , northern territory
related topics: Ezochi
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explanation: Born in 1839 in Tokushima prefecture. In 1856, he organized Hokumonsha association to defend the interests of Sakhalin island and explored between 1863 and 65 as the first Japanese the whole Sakhalin island. In 1870, he became chief of Sakhalin colonial office but quickly resigned due to a conflict with Kuroda Kiyotaka who was willing to concentrate the effort on to Hokkaido by giving up Sakhalin. In 1892, he tried to exploit Kuril island by creating Chishimagikai association. He died in 1904.

Okubo Toshimichi

alternative words: Toshimichi Okubo, Ookubo Toshimichi, Toshimichi Ookubo
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , statesman
related topics: Meiji revolution , Meiji period , Satsuma domain , Choshu domain , Saigo Takamori , Kido Takayoshi
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explanation: Born in 1830 in a samurai family of Satsuma domain. First, with Saigo Takamori, he strove for the political reform of Statsuma domain. Understood a need of the suppression of Edo shogunate, he promoted an alliance with Choshu domain for this goal, by becoming a friend with Kido Takayoshi. After the disappearance of Edo shogunate, he strove to make Japan a powerful centralized country by suppressing the feudal system. He was assassinated in 1878 by an unhappy samurai.

Okuma Shigenobu

alternative words: Shigenobu Okuma
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , statesman
related topics: Meiji revolution , Hagakure , Edo shogunate , Choshu domain , Saga domain , Ito Hirobumi , Itagaki Taisuke
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explanation: Born in 1838 in a samurai family of Saga prefecture. Unhappy with Hagakure culture of his region, he had learnt Dutch and helped Choshu domain against Edo shogunate. First he participated to Meiji government but left it in 1881after a dispute with Ito Hirobumi and Yamagata Aritomo on the privatization. He founded Waseda university in 1882 and strobe with Itagaki Taisuke for the democracy. He provoked an international indignation with 21 demands to China in 1915. He died in 1922.

Omura Masujiro

大村益次郎 村田蔵六
alternative words: Masujiro Omura, Murata Rokuzo, Oomura Masujiro
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , military man
related topics: Meiji revolution , Choshu domain , Edo shogunate , Boshin war , Rangaku , Ronin , Yamagata Aritomo
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explanation: Born in 1824 in a doctor family of Choshu domain. After having studied medicine and rangaku at school of Ogata Koan in Osaka, he opened a cabinet in his homeland. He was called by Uwajima domain to translate western military books, then became rangaku teacher of Edo shogunate. Wining a good reputation, he was called by Choshu domain to implement a western style army and participated to Choshu war and Boshin war. He was assassinated in 1869 by ronin unhappy with his reform.

Ono no komachi

alternative words: Onono Komachi, Ono Komachi, Komachi ono
keywords: artist , famous person , poesy
related topics: Heian period , Ki no Tsurayuki , Waka
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explanation: Famous female poet of Heian period. She was ranked among the 6 best Waka poet (Rokkasen) by Ki no Tsurayuki, another famous poet. According to a legend, she would have born in Akita prefecture as daughter of a local official and been sent to Kyoto at the age of 13. Thanks to her beauty and intelligence, she became famous and attracted many wooers but finally returned back to Akita and died there. Excepting for about one hundred poems, her real life remains mysterious.

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