Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: famous person

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Tsukahara Bokuden

alternative words: Bokuden Tsukahara, Bokuden
keywords: famous person , swordsman
related topics: Sengoku period
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explanation: Famous swordsman of early Sengoku period. Born in 1489 as a son of shintoist priest at Kashima shrine in Ibaraki prefecture. He learned first spear combat from Iizaki Choisai then sword combat from Kamiizumi Nobutsuna to become later an instructor of Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiteru. A legend says that he ridiculed his adversary by leaving him alone on an islet when Bokuden was challenged by him. It was called "Mutecatsu ryu" (how to win without hands). He died in 1571.

Uesugi Harunori

上杉治憲 上杉鷹山
alternative words: Uesugi Yozan, Uesugi Youzan, Harunori Uesugi, Yozan Uesugi, Harunori, Yozan
keywords: famous person , statesman
related topics: Daimyo , Uesugi Kenshin
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explanation: Born in 1751 in a small daimyo of Kyushu, he inherited in 1767 Yonezawa domain of Tohoku region. Though Yonezawa domain was descent of Uezsugi Kenshin, the fief had become much smaller while there was a great famine. In order to overcome the unprecedented economic crisis, Harunori recommended a thriftiness while extended the fields and introduced textile industry by learning himself the technique. He was considered one of the most successful economy reformers of Edo period.

Uesugi Kenshin

上杉謙信 長尾景虎
alternative words: Kenshin Uesugi, Kenshin
keywords: famous person , war lord
related topics: Sengoku period , Takeda Shingen , Kanto Kanrei , Bishamonten
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explanation: Born in 1530 in a Uesugi's sub branch, Nagao family, who was charged to administer Niigata region (Shugo dai). Though Uesugi had a responsibility over the whole Kanto region (Kanto kanrei), they had been weaken by Hojo family. So Shingen succeeded his overlord to restore his feud by fighting against Hojo and his allied, Takeda Shingen. Kenshin and Shingen crashed 5 times at Kawanakajima in northern Ngano but the battles had been never conclusive. He died in 1578 due to an cerebral paralysis.


alternative words: Unke
keywords: artist , buddhism , famous person
related topics: Kamakura period , Buddhism , Nyorai , Kongo rikishi
explanation: Buddhist sculptor of the early Kamakura period. His masculine and dynamic style appealed to the warriors of the Kamakura period who had just taken political powers from Kyoto's aristocrats. As his master pieces, we can quote "Dainichi Nyorai" statue at Enjoji Temple and "Kongo Rikishi" statue at Todaiji Temple, both being located at Nara city. His birth day unknown, died in 1223.

Yagyu Munenori

alternative words: Munenori Yagyu, Munenori
keywords: famous person , swordsman , war lord
related topics: Sengoku period , Toyotomi Hideyoshi , Tokugawa Ieyasu , Battle of Sekigahara
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explanation: Bon in 1571 as son of Yagyu Muneyoshi, a local seignior near Nara but they lost soon the feud because of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. By showing how to grip the opponent's sword with bear hands, he was accepted along with his father in Tokugawa Ieyasu's troops. Thanks to a contribution in Sekigahara's battle, he got back the old fief. He was not only a sword instructor of Ieyasu's child, Hidetada and grandchild, Iemitsu but a general inspector (Ometsuke) of Tokugawa regime. He died in 1646.

Yamagata Aritomo

alternative words: Aritomo Yamagata
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , military man , statesman
related topics: Yoshida Shoin , Choshu domain , Meiji revolution , Ito Hirobumi , Sino-Japanese war , Russo-Japanese war , Genro
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explanation: Born in 1837 in a samurai family of Choshu. After having studied from Yoshida Shoin, he organized Kiheitai to control Choshu domain then to repel the 2e attack of Edo shogunate. After Meiji restoration in 1868, he was sent to Europe to study the military institution. After a death or fall of great contributors of Meiji revolution, he shared the power with Ito Hirobumi and led the wars against China in 1895 and Russia in 1905. He always hated political parties. He died in 1922.

Yamamoto Isoroku

山本五十六 山本元帥 山本提督
alternative words: Isoroku Yamamoto, Admiral Yamamoto, Yamamoto
keywords: famous person , military man , world war 2
related topics: Russo-Japanese war , Mikasa , Karo
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explanation: Born in 1884 at Nagaoka as son of a Confucianist, Takano Sadakichi and adopted later by ex Karo, Yamamoto Tatewaki. Graduated at Naval University, he lost 2 fingers by an explosion on board of Mikasa during Russo Japanese war. After having studied at Harvard university in 1919-1920, he led a newly created air naval division. In 1939, he became the chief commander of combined fleet and elaborated an attack on Pearl harbor. He died in 1943, during an inspection flight on Solomon Archipelagos.

Yanagita Kunio

alternative words: Kunio Yanagita, Yanagida Kunio, Kunio Yanagida
keywords: famous person , scholar
related topics: Tengu , Kappa
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explanation: Born in 1875 in Hyogo prefecture. A young literary aspirant, he became gradually interested in ethnology when as a bureaucrat of agriculture minister, he visited many isolated villages. There, he has discovered many interesting tales such as Tengu, Kappa, Yukionna (Snow woman). Excellent writer, he left many books but the most famous one is "Tono monogatari", a collection of local folklore around Tono in Iwate prefecture. Died in 1962, he is considered as father of Japanese ethnology.

Yokoyama Taikan

横山大観 大観
alternative words: Taikan Yokoyama, Taikan
keywords: artist , famous person
related topics: Okakura Tenshin , Ink painting
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explanation: Born in 1868 in Ibaraki prefecture. After having studied at Nihon bijutsu gakko created by Okakura Tenshin, he became an assistant professor but left it with Okakura Tenshi in 1898. He then organized Nihon bijutsuin with Tenshin and created a new style of Japanese paint. Initially criticized by traditional Japanese painters as "morotai" (dim style), he gradually won a recognition and was appointed a member of the Imperial Fine Arts Academy in 1935. Age advanced, he turned to Ink painting. He died in 1958.

Yosa Buson

与謝蕪村 谷口蕪村 蕪村
alternative words: Buson Yosa, Buson, Taniguchi Buson
keywords: artist , famous person , poesy , writer
related topics: Edo period , Haiku
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explanation: Born in 1716 in Osaka. He went to Tokyo before age 20 to learn haiku from Hayano Hajin. After his death, he traveled Kanto and Tohoku region for 10 years. In 1751, he went back to Kyoto and began to work on Chinese style pictures (Bunjinga) by collaborating with Ikeno Taiga, another master of Bunjinga. In 1766, he returned back to haiku activity, proposing a revival of Basho style, then surpassed it with a modern freshness. He died in 1783. Buson Shichibushu is a compilation of his haiku poems.

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