Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: poesy

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alternative words: Azuma uta, Azumauta poem, Azumauta song
keywords: poesy
related topics: Nara period , Manyoshu , Kokinwakashu
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explanation: Poems created by inhabitants of eastern Japan during Nara period and before. The volume 14 of Manyoshu includes 230 Azumauta poems created unknown authors. Kokinshu includes also a dozen of Azumauta. They express the life of farmers in eastern Japan with a simplicity and dialects. Azumauta means "Songs of east".

Fujiwara no Sadaie

藤原定家 藤原定家
alternative words: Fujiwarano Sadaie, Fujiwara no Teika, Fujiwarano Teika
keywords: artist , famous person , poesy , writer
related topics: Heian period , Kamakura period , Shin kokinshu
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explanation: Poet of the late Heian and early Kamakura period. Born in 1162 as a son of Fujiwara no Toshinari, another poet. Since he participated to an imperial poetry party at the age 17, his reputation had never ceased to spread and he was appointed by Gotoba joko to a compiler of "Shin kokinshu" in 1201. His style, "ushin", i.e. "aesthetic sensibility" had strongly influenced the poetry of the next generation. His diary, Meigetsuki is an excellent source to learn aristocrat's life of the epoch. He died in 1241.


alternative words: Haikai, Haiku poem
keywords: poesy
related topics: Edo period , Matsuo Basho
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explanation: Originated from the first verse of "renka", i.e. 7-5-7 syllables, it took the actual form by the work of a famous poet of the early Edo period, Matsuo Basho (1644-94). The particularity of this verse is besides its extreme short form, you should insert a word which evokes a season "kigo". Because of its simplicity, it is by far the most popular poesy form in Japan as well as abroad.

Hyakunin isshu

百人一首 小倉百人一首
alternative words: Hyakuninisshu, Ogura hyakunin isshu
keywords: game , poesy
related topics: Waka , Manyoshu , Fujiwara no Sadaie
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explanation: Literally, "100 poets 1 poem" and correspond to a selection of the 100 most famous Japanese poets with 1 waka (31 syllable Japanese poem) each. There were many "hiyakunin isshu" but "Ogura hyakunin isshu" compiled in 13th century by a poet of Kamakura period, Fujiwara no Sadaie is the most representative. Since Edo period, man has played a card game which consists of guessing the lower part of waka by reading the upper part.

Ihara Saikaku

井原西鶴 西鶴
alternative words: Saikaku Ihara, Saikaku, Iharasaikaku
keywords: famous person , poesy , writer
related topics: Edo period , Haiku
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explanation: Born in 1642 in a wealthy merchant family of Osaka. First, he traveled over Japan and wrote many haiku poems. In 1682, by publishing "Koshoku ichidai otoko", a novel about a man who spent his life in erotic activities, he became a popular writer. His other master works are: "Koshoku gonin onna", "Koshoku ichidai onna", "Nihon eidaigura" etc. His novels well described the habits and mentality of rising merchant class who gave a great importance to money and sex. He died in 1693.

Ise monogatari

alternative words: Isemonogatari, Tale of Ise
keywords: book , poesy
related topics: Heian period , Waka , Kokinwakashu
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explanation: Created in the early Heian period, it is one of the most famous and oldest utamonogatari (tales composed alternatively with short texts and waka poems). Containing several poems of a famous poet, Ariwara no Narihira, initially the authorship had been attributed to him but now no one believes it. Composed of 125 short episodes which form the biography of an aristocrat (supposed to be Ariwara no Narihira), it was considered, with Kokinshu, one of the most influential lyric works of this period.

Ki no Tsurayuki

alternative words: Kino Tsurayuki, Tsurayuki Kino, Tsurayuki
keywords: artist , famous person , poesy , writer
related topics: Kokinwakashu , Heian period , Waka
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explanation: Poet and bureaucrat of Heian period. Born in a family of middle class bureaucrat in 872. Talented in waka (Japanese poems), he became the leading compiler of Konkinshu in 905 and added Kokinwakashu jo which is the first known critic work on Japanese poems. Then, he was nominated to the governor of Kochi prefecture in 930. The diary written during his return trip to Kyoto in 935, Tosa diary (Tosa nikki), is an initiator of pure Japanese style prose. He died in 945.

Kobayashi Issa

小林一茶 一茶
alternative words: Issa Kobayashi, Issa
keywords: famous person , poesy , writer
related topics: Edo period , Haiku
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explanation: Born in 1763 in a farmer of north Nagano. After the death of his mother, unable to live with the stepmother, he was sent by father to Tokyo at the age 15 for an apprenticeship. There, he learnt haiku poems from Nirokuan Chikua. After the death of Chikua, he inherited his school and traveled the western Japan to master his haiku. After the death of his father, he disputed the heritage with the stepmother and her children. His main haiku anthology is Oragaharu (my spring). He died in 1827.


古今和歌集 古今集
alternative words: Kokin-wakashu, Kokin wakashu, Kokinshu
keywords: book , poesy
related topics: Ki no Tsurayuki , Heian period , Waka
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explanation: Anthology of Japanese poems (waka) of the middle of Heian period. Created by an order of Emperor Daigo, it became the first of the imperial poem anthologies (Chokusen wakashu). The compilers were: Ki no Tsurayuki, Ki no Tomonori (cousin of the former), Oshikochi no Mitsune, Mibu no Tadamine. Containing about 1100 poems on 20 volumes and separated to 13 sections following the season and subject, its gracious and simple style has become a reference of the successive anthologies.


alternative words: Manyo-shu, Manyo shu, Manyoushuu, Manyou-shuu, Manyou shuu, Anthology of Manyo
keywords: book , poesy
related topics: Otomo no Yakamochi , Nara period , Waka , Azumauta
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: The oldest extant anthology of Japanese poems. It was published at the end of Nara period and contains about 4500 poems from the 5th to the 7th centuries compiled by the famous poet, Otomo no Yakamochi. Not only it is an inappreciable source from the artistic view point but linguistically: by reading this book, man has discovered that Japanese language should have 8 vowels at that time.

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