Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: poesy

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Matsuo Basho

松尾芭蕉 芭蕉
alternative words: Basho Matsuo, Matsuo Bashou, Bashou Matsuo, Basho, Bashou
keywords: artist , famous person , poesy , writer
related topics: Haiku , Edo period
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explanation: Poet and travel writer of the early Edo period. Born in a samurai family of Mie prefecture in 1644, he learned Haiku first at Kyoto then Tokyo. There, he established gradually his own style and became a popular Haiku teacher. Unsatisfied with his fame, he spent the most of his advance ages in journeys. Nozarashi kiko (1684) related his journey in Kinki region, while Okuno hosomich (1689), in Tohoku region. He died in 1694 at Osaka when ready to depart to western Japan.

Ono no komachi

alternative words: Onono Komachi, Ono Komachi, Komachi ono
keywords: artist , famous person , poesy
related topics: Heian period , Ki no Tsurayuki , Waka
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explanation: Famous female poet of Heian period. She was ranked among the 6 best Waka poet (Rokkasen) by Ki no Tsurayuki, another famous poet. According to a legend, she would have born in Akita prefecture as daughter of a local official and been sent to Kyoto at the age of 13. Thanks to her beauty and intelligence, she became famous and attracted many wooers but finally returned back to Akita and died there. Excepting for about one hundred poems, her real life remains mysterious.

Otomo no Yakamochi

大伴家持 家持
alternative words: Otomono Yakamochi, Ootomo no Yakamochi, Otomo Yakamochi, Yakamochi
keywords: artist , famous person , poesy , statesman , writer
related topics: Nara period , Manyoshu , Waka , Kokushi
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explanation: Waka poet and statesman of Nara period, born as a son of the prestigious Otomo family around 618. During his stay as provincial governor (Kokushi) in different regions, he made many waka poems. In 682, due to a putsch of Hikami no Kawatsugi, he lost job but soon pardoned and became a minister (Chunagon). After his death in 785, he lost again his honor due to an assassination of Fujiwara no Tanetsugu. Yakamochi is well known as one of the major contributors of Manyo anthology.

Shin kokinshu

新古今和歌集 新古今集
alternative words: Shinkokinshu, Shin kokinwakashu, Shinkokinwakashu, Shin kokin wakashu
keywords: book , poesy
related topics: Kamakura period , Fujiwara no Sadaie , Waka , Kokinwakashu , Emperor Gotoba
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Anthology of Japanese poems (waka) of early Kamakura period. Created by the order of a retired emperor, Gotoba in 1201, it was the last of 8 imperial poem anthologies (Chokusen wakashu). The compilers are: Minamoto no Michitomo, Fujiwara no Ariie, Fujiwara no Sadaie, Fujiwara no Ietaka, Asukai Masatsune, Jakuren. Composed of 20 volumes with 1980 poems, its style is based on a referencing of old poetry (Honka dori) and a subtle profundity (Yugen).


和歌 短歌
alternative words: Tanka, Yamatouta, Japanese poesy, Japanese poem
keywords: art , poesy
related topics: Nara period , Manyoshu , Kokinwakashu , Ki no Tsurayuki , Shin kokinshu , Hyakunin isshu
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Initially it had designated all the Japanese poems of different lengths, as opposed to Chinese poems (Karauta). Since Heian period the most shortest form, Tanka with 5-7-5-7-7 syllables, has become predominant so Waka means usually Tanka, i.e. short poem. The anthology of poems written during Nara period, Manyoshyu, contains the most representative verses of this classic art. Anthology of Kokinwakashu compiled by Ki no Tsurayuki and others in Heian period is well known, too.

Yosa Buson

与謝蕪村 谷口蕪村 蕪村
alternative words: Buson Yosa, Buson, Taniguchi Buson
keywords: artist , famous person , poesy , writer
related topics: Edo period , Haiku
related web sites: ,
explanation: Born in 1716 in Osaka. He went to Tokyo before age 20 to learn haiku from Hayano Hajin. After his death, he traveled Kanto and Tohoku region for 10 years. In 1751, he went back to Kyoto and began to work on Chinese style pictures (Bunjinga) by collaborating with Ikeno Taiga, another master of Bunjinga. In 1766, he returned back to haiku activity, proposing a revival of Basho style, then surpassed it with a modern freshness. He died in 1783. Buson Shichibushu is a compilation of his haiku poems.

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