Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: scholar

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alternative words: Von Siebold, Philipp Franz von Siebold
keywords: famous person , foreigner , scholar
related topics: Sakoku , Dejima , Mamiya Rinzo
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explanation: Born in 1796 at Wurzburg in Germany. After medical studies, he came to Japan in 1823 as attached doctor at Dutch Dejima trading post of Nagasaki. During his stay in Japan, he taught the western medicine to Japanese and carried out the botanical and zoological studies. Denounced by Mamiya Rinzo after having received a detailed Japanese map from a disciple, he was expelled in 1829. He prepared the publication of Japanese materials in Leiden as pioneer work.

Sugita Genpaku

alternative words: Genpaku Sugita, Sugita Gempaku, Gempaku Sugita
keywords: famous person , scholar
related topics: Edo period , Rangaku
related web sites: ,
explanation: Born in 1733 and succeeded his father as personal doctor of Obama's seignior. He learned Dutch medicine from Nishi Gentetsu. After having assisted to the first medical dissection of an executed criminal, he was impressed by the exactness of a western anatomy book and decided to translate it with Maeno Ryotaku. The difficulty to get a Japanese version, Kaitai Shinsho (New book of anatomy) is well related in his book, Rangaku Kotohajime (Beginning of Dutch studies). He died in 1817.

Yanagita Kunio

alternative words: Kunio Yanagita, Yanagida Kunio, Kunio Yanagida
keywords: famous person , scholar
related topics: Tengu , Kappa
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: Born in 1875 in Hyogo prefecture. A young literary aspirant, he became gradually interested in ethnology when as a bureaucrat of agriculture minister, he visited many isolated villages. There, he has discovered many interesting tales such as Tengu, Kappa, Yukionna (Snow woman). Excellent writer, he left many books but the most famous one is "Tono monogatari", a collection of local folklore around Tono in Iwate prefecture. Died in 1962, he is considered as father of Japanese ethnology.

Yoshida Shoin

吉田松陰 松陰
alternative words: Shoin Yoshida, Shoin
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , scholar
related topics: Ito Hirobumi , Kido Takayoshi , Takasugi Shinsaku , Yamagata Aritomo , Choshu domain , Meiji revolution
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explanation: Born in 1830 in Choshu domain and adopted by Yoshida family. At the age 9, he became an instructor of Choshu's school, Meirinkan. In 1854, he tried to embark secretly on a American ship from Shimoda harbor but failed and this caused his house arrest during 3 years. After being pardoned, he transformed his house to a private school "Shoka Sonjyuku" to teach military arts and comment the current politics. This provoked an anger of Shogunate and he was executed in 1859.

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