Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: theater

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alternative words: Bun raku, Bunrak, Japanese puppet theater, Bunraku drama, Bunraku theater, Bunrake play
keywords: theater
related topics: Edo period , Chikamatsu Monzaemon
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explanation: Puppet theater developed during Edo period. Contrary to western puppet theaters, it has not been destined to children but rather well cultivated urban citizens. Bunraku is in reality the name of the unique troop which has survived the culture upheaval of the end of Edo period, but now it has become a generic term.

Chikamatsu Monzaemon

alternative words: Monzaemon Chikamatsu
keywords: famous person , kabuki , theater , writer
related topics: Edo period , Kabuki , Bunraku , Ronin
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explanation: Born in 1653 in a samurai family of Fukui prefecture. As his father became a ronin, he worked as servant in a Kyoto's aristocrat and learnt to write. Becoming a popular scenario writer at the age 30, he worked most of time for Takemoto Gidayu's bunraku theater and Sakata Tojuro's kabuki theater. His favorite theme is men and women who suffer from a rigid social structure such as "Sonezaki shinju", "Meido no hikyaku", "Shinju ten no amijima". He died in 1724.


忠臣蔵 仮名手本忠臣蔵
alternative words: Chushin gura, Katatehon Chushingura
keywords: event , theater
related topics: Edo period , Muromachi period , Kabuki , Edo , Harakiri , Kaieki
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explanation: Joruri and Kbuki play piece based on a real event: during the preparation of an imperial reception at Edo castle, a dispute broken out but Asano Naganori failed to kill Kira Yoshinaka. The usage of sabers being banned inside the castle, Naganori was condemned to harakiri and his feud suppressed (kaieki). Next year, his followers, led by Oishi Kuranosuke revenged the death of Naganori by killing Yoshinaka. Thought it happened during Edo period, the play was adapted to Muromachi period.


alternative words: Kabuki Theater, Kabuki drama
keywords: kabuki , theater
related topics: Edo period , Hanamichi , Onnagata , Chikamatsu Monzaemon , Chushingura
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explanation: Kabuki is considered, with Noh and Joruri, one of the 3 major traditional theatrical arts in Japan. It was created by Izumono Okuni ca. 1600 in Kyoto. Initially played only by women, it had been forbidden by the government because of its erotic appearance. So it has become a drama played only by men and been very popular during Edo period. Originated from a dance, it keeps always a strong choreographic aspect.


alternative words: Kagura dance
keywords: shintoism , theater
related topics: Kojiki , Amaterasu , Noh , Shintoism
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explanation: Man carried out music and dance for shinto gods since old times. For example, the people performed "kagura" when Amaterasu had hidden herself into a cave to plunge the world into the darkness. Each shinto shrines had own kagura but it has been gradually replaced by more sophisticated arts like Noh. Kagura practiced in the imperial court nowadays is one of rare survivors of the traditional kagura.


alternative words: Kyougen, Noh kyogen, Noh kyougen
keywords: theater
related topics: Muromachi period , Sarugaku , Noh
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explanation: A branch of Noh specialized in comic drama and has been always played on the same balustrade as Noh since Muromachi period. Contrary to Noh which is a music based play, Kyogen is the Japanese oldest speech based play though it is assisted by a music. Kyogen still uses the speech, custom and characters of Muromachi period. As the main schools of Kyogen, we can quote Okura, Sagi and Izumi which were patronized by Edo shogunat though Sagi school is now extinguished.


alternative words: Nou, No, Noh drama, Noh theater, Noh play, Noh dance
keywords: theater
related topics: Sarugaku , Kyogen , Muromachi period , Ashikaga Yoshimitsu , Azuchi Momoyama period , Shite , Noh mask
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explanation: Originated from an itinerant theater of Muromachi period "Sarugaku", it has taken the actual form thanks to artistic researches of Kan-ami and his son Ze-ami between 14th and 15 centuries. Many shoguns and war lords such as Ashikaga Yoshimitsu had appreciated and protected this art because of its simplicity. It is played with one or two masked persons on a small platform with virtually no decor, accompagned with chorus (hayashi). Shite is the main player and the director of Noh drama.

Noh mask

alternative words: Nomen, Noumen, No men, Nou men
keywords: theater
related topics: Noh , Sarugaku , Muromachi period , Sengoku period
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explanation: Masks used in Noh drama. Made with woods, mostly "hinoki" (Japanese cypress), its size is little smaller than an average adult face. Originated from masks of sarugaku during Muromachi period, initially there was a proliferation of free expressions, then standardized during late Sengoku period to about 200 varieties. They are classified according to characters: young woman, handsome man, old man, revengeful ghost, demon. Some masks can give different expressions by changing the inclination.


女方 女形
alternative words: Onna gata
keywords: kabuki , theater
related topics: Kabuki , Edo period
related web sites: ,
explanation: Initially Kabuki had been played only by females (Onna kabuki). After a ban to turn to female actors in 1629, at the beginning of Edo period, Kabuki has been used to be played only by men. The female role played by a man is called "Onnagata". Bando Tamasaburo is the most famous actor of this discipline. The term is also used in other dramas in Japan such as "Shingeki".


alternative words: Saru gaku
keywords: china , theater
related topics: Noh , Kyogen , Kamakura period , Muromachi period
explanation: Attraction frequently played during the middle ages in Japan. Initially called "Sangaku", it came from China during Nara period and included acrobatics, juggling, conjuring, and pantomime. It had then merged with a rural Japanese play "Dengaku" and evolved to more abstract drama while giving up acrobatic elements during Kamakura and Muromachi periods. The music based serious part became "Noh" while the speech based funny part, "Kyogen" at the end of Muromachi period.

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