Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: diverse

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alternative words: Ruumic, Roomic
keywords: diverse , maison ikkoku , manga , ranma 1/2
related topics: Rumiko Takahashi
explanation: Nickname used by fans of the famous Japanese manga writer "Rumiko Takahashi".


keywords: diverse , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: Inhabitants of planet Vegita in Dragon Ball like Son Goku and Vegita.

Sea of Corruption

alternative words: Wasteland, Fukai
keywords: diverse , nausicaa
related topics: Nausicaa of the valley of wind
explanation: In manga/anime of Nausicaa, it is a immense forest appeared on the earth after an environmental disaster. Inhabited by the monsters and emits continuously a toxic air, it threatens the remaining land by becoming larger and larger.

Shit game

alternative words: Game without value
keywords: diverse , game
explanation: After a great success of "Family Computer", there has appeared a proliferation of uninteresting video games without value and it forced Nintendo to restrict the number of companies authorized to produce the games for its machine.

Team rocket

alternative words: Rocket team
keywords: diverse , pokemon
related topics: Pokemon , Meowth
explanation: Group of criminal pokemon trainers such as Jessie and James, and led by a Machiavellian pokemon cat, Meowth. They are trying to capture rare pokemons in order to dominate the world. For this reason, they are always behind Ash to bother him.

Temple Hikawa

alternative words: Hikawa jinja
keywords: diverse , sailormoon
related topics: Sailormoon , Raye Hino
explanation: In Sailormoon, it is a shintoist temple where one of sailor warrior, Raye Hino, works. Please note that in Japan there exist many temples, called "Hikawa" but they use a different Kanji character: hi corresponds to "ice" and not to "fire" like in the episode.


keywords: diverse , evangelion
related topics: Evangelion
explanation: Fortress City constructed in an underground of Mt. Hakone at 50 km west of today's Tokyo in order to defend against invaders.


alternative words: Wired World
keywords: diverse , lain
related topics: Serial Experiments Lain
explanation: A kind of super Internet to which everybody is connected or a virtual world created by it, in opposition to "real world" in "Serial Experiments Lain".

World championship

alternative words: Championship
keywords: diverse , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: In Dragon Ball, each 5 years (and each 3 years later), a world championship on karate takes place. Son Goku met Tenshinhan in this contest.

World masterpiece theater

keywords: anime , diverse
related topics: Nippon Animation , Dog of Flanders , Remi the Homeless Girl
related web sites:
explanation: Name given to a series of TV cartoons created by "Nippon Animation" since 1975. Having many adaptations of western literature like "Remi the homeless girl", "Little princess Sara" and "A Dog of Flanders", many titles have been broadcasted by European TV stations.

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