Online dictionary of Afghanistan war: Abdul Qassim Fahim

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Abdul Qassim Fahim

alternative words: Fahim, General Fahim, Commander Fahim
keywords: famous person
related topics: Ahmad Shah Masoud , Taliban , Abdul Rashid Dostam , Gulbuddin Hekmatyar , United front
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explanation: Born in 1957 in a Tajik cleric family of Panjshir valley. After an Islamic study at Kabul, he entered the resistance against communists in late 1970s and gained a confidence of commander Masoud thanks to his seriousness. After the soviet pull out in 1989, he organized Kabul defense against Hekmatyar Dostom coalition troops then against Taliban. After the assassination of Masoud in September 2001, he was promoted to the chief commander of the northern alliance.

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