Online dictionary of Afghanistan war: Al Qaeda

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Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda
alternative words: Al Qaeda organization, Al Qaida, Al Qaida organization, Al Qaedah, Al Qaidah, Alqaeda, Alqaida, Al Queda
keywords: islam , organization , terrorism
related topics: Osama bin Laden , Soviet invasion
related web sites: ,
explanation: Islamic fundamentalist group founded by Osama bin Laden in 1988 during a fight against the Soviet troops in Afghanistan. After the withdrawal of Soviet union in 1989, the group has continued to recruit more members thanks to the fortune of bin Laden and switched their goal to the fight against American imperialism and Zionism. Al Qaeda, being suspected as an origin of September 11 attack, their bases have been destroyed by American bombings. Al Qaeda counts about 3000 permanent members.

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