Online dictionary of Afghanistan war: Gulbuddin Hekmatyar

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Gulbuddin Hekmatyar

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
alternative words: Hekmatyar, Engineer Hekmatyar
keywords: famous person , statesman
related topics: Taliban , Burhanuddin Rabbani , Ahmad Shah Masoud , Hezb e Islami
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explanation: Born in 1948 in Konduz province of northern Afghanistan. After a military academy, he entered Kabul university to study engineering. There, he participated to an Islamic student movement and was jailed for killing of a Maoist student. He fled then to Pakistan and founded his party, Hezb e Islami. After a collapse of the communist regime in 1992, he entered a conflict with Rabbani but there were reconciled after the capture of Kabul by Taliban in 1996. He is living now in Iran.

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