Online dictionary of Afghanistan war: Hafizollah Amin

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Hafizollah Amin

Hafizollah Amin
alternative words: Amin
keywords: communism , famous person , statesman
related topics: Babrak Karmal , Muhammad Taraki , Muhammad Daoud , Najibullah Ahmadzai , Saur revolution
related web sites: ,
explanation: Born in 1929 in Kabul province. After having got a master degree at Columbia University in New York, he became the principal of a teacher? training school at Kabul. During Daoud reign, he recruited many followers in the army in competition with Parcham faction. After Saur revolt of 1978, he became foreign minister then prim minister by ousting Parcham faction led by Karmal. He then ousted the president Taraki by a palace plot. With a complicity of Russia, he was assassinated in 1979.

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