Online dictionary of Afghanistan war: Muhammad Taraki

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Muhammad Taraki

Muhammad Taraki
alternative words: Taraki, Nur Muhammad Taraki, Noor Mohammad Taraki
keywords: communism , famous person , statesman
related topics: Babrak Karmal , Hafizollah Amin , PDPA , Saur revolution
related web sites: ,
explanation: Born in 1917 in Ghazni province of eastern Afghanistan. Thanks to his good English knowledge, he worked as clerk in different ministries and correspondent in foreign newspapers. As founder member of PDPA, he was elected secretary general in 1965 and began to publish a party organ, Khalq. After Saur revolt of 1978, he became the president of revolutionary council and purged Parcham faction led by Karmal. He was secretly executed in 1979 by Amin after having lost a power struggle.

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