Online dictionary of Afghanistan war: Osama bin Laden

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Osama bin Laden

Osama bin Laden
alternative words: Osama ben Laden, Usama bin Laden, Ossama bin Laden, Ussama bin Laden, bin Laden, ben Laden
keywords: famous person , islam , terrorism
related topics: Al Qaeda , Soviet invasion
related web sites: ,
explanation: Born in Saudi Arabia in 1957 from Yemenite father and Syrian mother. He lost his father at the age 13, who left him a huge fortune. He was graduated at Jeddah university in 1981. During the Soviet occupation, he frequently visited Pakistan to meet Mujahideen leaders then personally engaged in battles. After Soviet withdrawal in 1989, he returned back to Saudi Arabia. During Gulf war, he was asked to keep a low profile. After a sojourn in Sudan between 1991 and 1996, he has been back again in Afghanistan.

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