Online dictionary of Afghanistan war: PDPA

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alternative words: People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, Afghan communist, Communist
keywords: communism , organization
related topics: King Zahir , Saur revolution , Muhammad Taraki , Babrak Karmal
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Pro Soviet communist organization founded in 1965 by Taraki and Karmal during a liberal period promoted by King Zahir. They were soon split into Parcham (flag) faction of Taraki and Khalq (people) faction of Karmal. After Saur revolution of 1978, they were reconciled with a Russian meditation but soon split again: Khalq faction dismissed all the Parcham ministers. They regained the posts after a Russian intervention in late 1979. PDPA disintegrated when Mujahideen arrived in Kabul in 1992.

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