Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: Nimes amphitheater

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Nimes amphitheater

French words: Arènes de Nîmes , Amphithéâtre de Nîmes
alternative words: Nimes arena
keywords: roman remains , southern france , theater , tourist resort
related topics: Nimes
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explanation: Built around 1st century A.D. the arena of Nimes is one of the best preserved ones among more than 70 Roman amphitheaters known nowadays. Surrounded by 2 level of 60 arches each, it has an oval structure of 133m length, 101m width and 21m height, and could contain 20,000 spectators. In 476, Visigoths transformed it to a fortress. During Middle Ages, the arena was squatted by several hundreds of people but cleaned up by Napoleon. Now it is served to organize music concerts and bull fighting (tauromachie).

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