Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Byodoin

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Byodoin temple

alternative words: Byodoin, Byodo in, Byoudouin temple, Byoudouin, Byoudou in
keywords: kyoto , temple , world heritage
related topics: Kyoto prefecture
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explanation: Located in the south of Kyoto prefecture at Uji city, Byodoin had been first served as a private villa of Fujiwara Michinaga then transformed by his son, Yorimichi, to a Buddhist temple in 1052. The main building commonly called "Phenix hall" extending its side structure and reflecting its image on a pond is really pictorial. The statue of Amida nyorai, inside the hall is a typical Buddhist sculpture of Heiand period. The picture of Byodoin appears on the backside of 10 yen coin.

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