Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Fukuoka Prefecture

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Fukuoka Prefecture

alternative words: Fukuokaken prefecture, Fukuoka, Fukuokaken, Fukuoka-ken, Fukuoka ken
keywords: g8 , kyushu , prefecture
related topics: Fukuoka City , Kitakyushu city , Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine , Nishi-nippon railroad , Kanmon bridge
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explanation: Fukuoka prefecture occupies the northern part of Kyushu region, facing Japanese Sea. Its surface is 4,959 km2 and the population 4.7 millions. The prefectural office is at Fukuoka City. Though nearly exhausted, thanks to coal mine, the northern region has become the fourth industry aria in Japan after Nagoya. In the southern region, the farmers are cultivating rice, fruits and vegetables. As one of the old political centers of Japan, there are many tourist spots like town of Dazaifu.

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