Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Hakone

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alternative words: Mt. Hakone, Mount Hakone, Mt Hakone, Hakonenoyama, Hakoneyama, Hakone volcano
keywords: hot spring , kanagawa , mountain , tourist resort , volcano
related topics: Kanagawa Prefecture , Lake Ashinoko , Odakyu electric railway , Odawara city , Numazu city , Atami city
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Hakone is a composite volcano located in the southwest of Kanagawa prefecture and the diameter of its caldera is about 11 km. In the center, there are 7 volcanic peaks such as Mts Kamiyama and Komagadake while Ashinoko lake lies between them and the west outer rim. Being one of the most important tourist resort, almost all the areas are included in Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park. About 2 hours of trip from the downtown of Tokyo (Shinjuku Station) by train or bus.

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