Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Kongobuji temple

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Kongobuji temple

高野山金剛峰寺 高野山 金剛峰寺
alternative words: Kongoubuji Temple, Koyasan Kongobuji, Koya-san Kongobu-ji, Kongobu-ji, Kongobuji, Koyasan, Kouyasan
keywords: temple , wakayama
related topics: Wakayama Prefecture , Nankai electric railway
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explanation: One of the most prestigious temples, situated at Mt. Koya in Wakayama Prefecture. It was built in 819 by a famous Japanese priest Kukai alias Kobotaishi who is the founder of Shingon School. Being isolated from the rest of the world, it had been a popular training camp for young Buddhist monks in the old times. Though its access being forbidden to women before Meiji Era, now everybody can visit it by using a cable car.

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