Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Mt. Asama

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Mt. Asama

alternative words: Mount Asama, Asama mountain, Asama volcano, Mt Asama, Asamayama, Asama-yama, Asama yama, Asama
keywords: mountain , nagano , volcano
related topics: Nagano Prefecture , Gunma Prefecture , Karuizawa , Komoro city
related web sites: ,
explanation: It is a three-fold composite volcano towering in the northwest of Karuizawa, between Gunma and Nagano prefectures and its highest point is 2565m. You will find a caldera called "Okama" at its top and toward the west, Mt. Maekake which forms the inner-ring. Moreover, there are Mt. Kurofu which forms the outer-ring and some parasitic volcanos like Mt. Sho-asama (Small Asama). It commands a splendid view from its summit and belongs to Joshinetsu National Park.

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