Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Nasu highland

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Nasu highland

alternative words: Nasu kogen, Nasu kougen, Nasu-kogen, Nasu-kougen, Nasukogen, Nasukougen, Nasu
keywords: hot spring , mountain , tourist resort
related topics: Tochigi prefecture , Fukushima prefecture , Nikko
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in the north of Tochigi prefecture near the frontier with Fukushima prefecture, Nasu highland spreads on a south-east slope of Nasu volacano (1918 m). Hot spring of Nasu has been well known since old times, but it began to develop as a tourist resort when an imperial villa was opened there. Recently this place is attracting media attention because the central government has chosen it as one of the candidates for a new Japanese capital. Its higher part belongs to Nikko national park.

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