Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Tochigi Prefecture

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Tochigi Prefecture

alternative words: Tochigiken prefecture, Tochigi, Tochigiken, Tochigi ken
keywords: prefecture
related topics: Nikko , Mt. Nantai , Lake Chuzenji , Toshogu Shrine , Utsunomiya city , Nasu highland
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explanation: Tochigi prefecture occupies the northern part of Kanto region. Its surface is 6,413 km2 and the population 1.8 million. The prefectural office is at Utsunomiya City. Its most important activity is the tourism with a famous international resort of Nikko Shrine and Chuzenji Lake. Though its copper field has been exhausted, related chemical and electric industries have remained. Recently the prefecture is trying to attract a Japanese new capital to Nasu Highland on the north.

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