Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Wakayama Prefecture

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Wakayama Prefecture

alternative words: Wakayamaken prefecture, Wakayama, Wakayamaken, Wakayama ken
keywords: prefecture , wakayama
related topics: Kii peninsula , Kumano Hongu Shrine , Kongobuji Temple , Shirahama Spa
related web sites: ,
explanation: Wakayama prefecture occupies the southern part of Kinki region, facing Pacific Ocean. Its surface is 4,724 km2 and the population 1 million. The prefectural office is at Wakayama City. Excepting for the extreme northern region where most of the human activity is concentrated, all the region is mountainous and covered by deep forests. On the coastal region, fishing is prosperous because it owns many good harbors. Thanks to a mild climate, it produces many kinds of oranges, too.

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