Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Yonago city

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Yonago city

米子市 米子
alternative words: Yonagoshi city, Yonagoshi, Yonago shi, Yonago
keywords: town
related topics: Tottori prefecture , Mt. Daisen
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explanation: Town located in the west of Tottori prefecture. Initially a tiny fishers' village on the shore of Nakanoumi sea, it has developed during Edo period as a castle town. Yonago has become since 1967 "shinsangyo toshi" i.e. "new industry city" promoted by the central government and there exist some steel, textile and pulp industries. Yonago is also a tourism base for Mt Daisen. The population is about 132,000 and owns a small regional airport. Yonago was hit by a strong earthquake on October 6, 2000.

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