Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Ashikaga Takauji

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Ashikaga Takauji

alternative words: Takauji Ashikaga
keywords: famous person , shogun
related topics: Muromachi shogunate , Kamakura shogunate , Shogun , Emperor Godaigo , Kusunoki Masashige , Nanbokucho period
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explanation: 1st shogun of Muromachi shogunate. Born in an important family of samurai in 1305. Called by Kamakura shogunate to subdue a rebellion, he had betrayed it and supported Emperor Godaigo. After another treason, he overthrew the imperial regime of Godaigo (Nan-cho) and set up another regime (Hoku-cho) by nominating Emperor Kome. He himself became shogun by opening Muromachi shogunate at Kyoto. Dead by illness in 1358 before unifying 2 imperial regimes.

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