Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Asuka period

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Asuka period

alternative words: Asukajidai, Asuka-jidai, Asuka jidai, Asuka era
keywords: epoch
related topics: Hakuho period , Prince Shotoku , Empress Suiko , Buddhism , Battle of Hakusukinoe , Taika reform , Jinshin war
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explanation: Period beginning with an introduction of Buddhism into Japan in the 7th century and ended with a transfer of her capital to Nara in 710. Initially a loose tribal country, Japan had gradually transformed herself to a centralized state around Imperial family and her political center was in the region of Asuka, located south of Nara basin. During this period, Japan has lost its influence and interests on Korean peninsula after a defeat of Hakusukinoe battle in 663. War of Jinshin (672) is another great event.

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