Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Emperor Godaigo

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Emperor Godaigo

alternative words: Godaigo tenno, Emperor Go-daigo, Go-daigo tenno, Godaigo tennou, Godaigo
keywords: emperor , famous person
related topics: Kamakura shogunate , Ashikaga Takauji , Kusunoki Masashige
related web sites: , ,
explanation: 96th emperor of Japan. Born in 1288, after 2 aborted putsches to overthrow Kamakura shougunate, he had been sent to Oki island as political prisoner. After the disappearance of shogunate, he returned back to Kyoto and restored the imperial regime (Kemmu restoration). But many samurais who helped him remained unhappy because of an unequal recompense. By taking advantage of the unrest, Ashikaga Takauji overthrew this regime. Godaigo died at a hidden court of Yoshino in 1339.

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