Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Emperor Nintoku

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Emperor Nintoku

仁徳天皇 仁徳
alternative words: Nintoku tenno, Nintoku tennou, Nintoku
keywords: emperor , famous person
related topics: Emperor Ojin , Tumulus , Kofun period
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explanation: 16th Emperor and a son of Ojin tenno, he is notorious as the owner of a gigantic tumulus (486m long), the biggest in Japan. There exists a controversy among historians about his existence because of a strange similitude between the name of his wife Kaminaga hime and that of his father's, Izuminonaga hime, both coming from Hyuga region. Anyway, his huge tumulus located near the seashore on the south of Osaka should have impressed all the foreign delegations, arriving to Japan.

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