Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Emperor Tenchi

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Emperor Tenchi

天智天皇 天智天皇 中大兄皇子 天智
alternative words: Emperor Tenji, Tenchi tenno, Tenchi tennou, Tenji tenno, Tenji tennou, Nakano oe, Prince Nakano oe, Tenchi
keywords: emperor , famous person , korea
related topics: Asuka period , Taika reform , Ritsuryo system , Nakatomi no Kamatari , Soga no Iruka , Battle of Hakusukinoe
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explanation: Born in 626 as the eldest son of Emperor Jomei. He carried out a coup d'�tat with Nakatomi no Kamatari to eliminate Soga family in 645 then introduced Taika reform to create a centralized Japan (Ritsuryo regime). He had remained as the crown prince of Emperor Kotoku then Empress Saimei, his mother, but after a disaster of the battle of Hakusukinoe in Korea, he moved the capital to Otsu on the shore of Lake Biwa and became the 38th emperor in 668. He died in 671.

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