Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Emperor Yuryaku

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Emperor Yuryaku

雄略天皇 倭王武
alternative words: Emperor Yuuryaku, Yuryaku tenno, Waketakeru no mikoto, Prince Waketakeru, King Bu, Yuryaku
keywords: china , emperor , famous person
related topics: 5 Japanese kings , Yamato dynasty , Kofun period
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explanation: Japanese 21th Emperor. In the letter sent to Chinese emperor in 5th century, Youryaku says that my ancestors have been busy to extend our domain: to the east, we conquered 55 Ainu's countries, to the west, 66 rebellion countries then crossed over the sea to the north to conquer 95 countries. During his life, not only he conquered more territories but eliminated internal foes. His Japanese name "Waketakeru" means "young and strong" while Chinese name "Bu" means "strong".

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