Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Fujiwara no Fuhito

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Fujiwara no Fuhito

藤原不比等 不比等
alternative words: Fujiwarano Fuhito
keywords: famous person , statesman
related topics: Nakatomi no Kamatari , Heijokyo , Fujiwara family , Emperor Shomu
explanation: Born in 659 as a son of Kamatari, the major contributor of Taika reform. Being a clever politician as his father, his daughter became a wife of Shomu emperor and he strove for moving the capital to Nara in 710. He died in 720 and his 4 sons, Muchimaro, Fusasaki, Umakai and Maro became the founders of 4 main Fujiwara branches, i.e. respectively Nanke, Hokke, Shikike and Kyoke.

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