Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Genji monogatari emaki

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Genji monogatari emaki

alternative words: Genjimonogatari emaki, Genjimonogatariemaki, Tale of Genji scroll
keywords: art , book
related topics: Genji monogatari , Heian period
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explanation: Scroll book based on the 11th century novel, Genji monogatari and created in 12th century. It contains texts and images of the novel's famous scenes drawn on luxurious paper. The picture might be drawn by an official painter, Fujiwara no Takayoshi and is using typical Japanese painting technique of Heian period (Yamatoe): the houses are transparent excepting for pillars (yatai fukinuke) while the characters have thin eyes and a hook nose (hikime kagihana). It remains only 13 volumes among 54.

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