Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Kiso Yoshinaka

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Kiso Yoshinaka

木曽義仲 源義仲
alternative words: Minamoto no Yoshinaka
keywords: famous person , war lord
related topics: Genji , Heishi , Heian period , Minamoto no Yoritomo , Minamoto no Yoshitsune
explanation: Born in 1154 in Genji family. After the assassination of his father, he was raised by the husband of his nurse in Kiso region of Nagano. For this reason, he had been nicknamed "Kiso Yoshinaka". Unhappy with the arrogance of Heike family, the retired emperor, Goshirakawa, ordered to drive away Heike family. He responded first to enter the capital to beat them. But being rude, he was quickly hated by the court members and killed in turn by Yoshitsune sent by Yoritomo in 1184.

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