Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Kuni no miyatsuko

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Kuni no miyatsuko

alternative words: Kuninomiyatsuko, Kuni no miyakko, Kuninomiyakko, Kokuso
keywords: law , state
related topics: Kuni , Kokushi , Ritsuryo system
explanation: Literally "country creator", it designates the governor of kuni (regional province) before a replacement by kokushi under Ritsuryo system of 7-8th centuries. Issued from families surrendered to Yamato court during the unification process of Japan or descents of Yamato court's princes who had replaced the resistant powers, there had been more than 100 "kuni no miyatsuko", i.e. kuni had been smaller. Under Ritsuryo system, most of them became county governor (Gunshi).

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