Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Ritsuryo system

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Ritsuryo system

alternative words: Ritsuryo regime, Ritsuryosei, Ritsuryo sei, Ritsuryousei, Ritsuryou sei, Ritsuryo, Ritsu ryo
keywords: law
related topics: Taika reform , Emperor Tenchi , Nara period , Heian period , Shoen , Kuni , Kokushi
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explanation: Centralized political system appeared in Japan between 7th to 10th century on the model of Chinese Sui and Tang dynasties. Initiated by Taika reform of Emperor Tenchi in 645, it reached the apex during Nara period. It consists of a vigorous control of the population and tax collection through a huge number of bureaucrats, ledgers and written laws. Incompatible with Japanese mentality, it had been gradually voided with the appearance of shoen and samurai clans during Heian period.

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