Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Waka

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和歌 短歌
alternative words: Tanka, Yamatouta, Japanese poesy, Japanese poem
keywords: art , poesy
related topics: Nara period , Manyoshu , Kokinwakashu , Ki no Tsurayuki , Shin kokinshu , Hyakunin isshu
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explanation: Initially it had designated all the Japanese poems of different lengths, as opposed to Chinese poems (Karauta). Since Heian period the most shortest form, Tanka with 5-7-5-7-7 syllables, has become predominant so Waka means usually Tanka, i.e. short poem. The anthology of poems written during Nara period, Manyoshyu, contains the most representative verses of this classic art. Anthology of Kokinwakashu compiled by Ki no Tsurayuki and others in Heian period is well known, too.

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