Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: Captain Harlock

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Captain Harlock

宇宙海賊キャプテンハーロック キャプテンハーロック
alternative words: Space Pirate Captain Harlock, Harlock
keywords: anime , manga , title
related topics: Leiji Matsumoto
related web sites: ,
explanation: Manga and anime created by Leiji Matsumoto. Year 2977, the Earth which was prosperous had been suddenly attacked by amazons from the outer space. Before a powerlessness of earthlings, Harlock has decided to filght alone with his friend Tochiro on board of his space ship "Arcadia". Manga was published in Playcomic between January 1977 and June 1979, at the same time as TV broadcasting on TV Asahi between March 1978 and February 1979.

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