Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: Mitsuteru Yokoyama

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Mitsuteru Yokoyama

alternative words: Yokoyama Mitsuteru
keywords: author , manga
related topics: Gigantor , Osamu Tezuka
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explanation: Born on June 18, 1934 at Kobe. He is one of the precursors of Japanese manga after the world war with Osamu Tezuka and shared a popularity with him on manga magazines. His most representative works are Ironman 28 (Gigantor in English title, tale of a remote controlled giant robot) published 1959-66 on Shonen and "Iga no Kagemaru" (tale of ninja) published 1961-66 on Shonen Sunday. He wrote also Sangokushi by materializing a great Chinese classic. He died in 2004 after a fire from his house.

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