Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: Shonen jump

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Shonen Jump

alternative words: Shounen Jump, Shoonen Jump, Jump, Shonen jampu, Shonen janpu
keywords: magazine , manga , title
related topics: Shueisha , High school Kimengumi , Dragon Ball , Ruroni kenshin , City hunter
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explanation: One of the most important manga magazines in Japan. When it was at the top, its circulation had reached 6 million copies, thanks to star mangaka like Aikra Toriyama of Dragon Ballou and Motoei Shinzawa of High school Kimengumi.. Now, because of a lack of hits, its circulation is only 4 millions but still remains impressive. There exist a weekly edition (Shukan Shonen Jump) and a monthly one (Gekkan Shonen Jump).

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