Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'by'

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Direct access: 手綱 , 多忙 , 単身 , 単独 , 担保 , 代理 , 妥協 , 打診 , 惰性 , 段々


pronunciation: taZuna   kanji characters: ,   
translation: reins, bridle
手綱を取る: taZunaotoru: hold (the horse) by the bridle <<<
手綱を引き締める: taZunaohikishimeru: tighten [pull up] the reins
手綱を緩める: taZunaoyurumeru: slacken the reins, give the rein (to the horse) <<<


pronunciation: tabou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: pressure of business
多忙な: tabouna: busy
多忙である: taboudearu: be occupied with, have much to do
多忙を極める: tabouokiwameru: be pressed by work, be busy as a bee <<<
多忙の為: tabounotame: on account of the pressure of business <<<


pronunciation: tanshin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: alone, by oneself, leaving one's family behind
単身で: tanshinde
単身で赴任する: tanshindehuninsuru: live far from one's family for a job <<< 赴任
単身者: tanshinsha: unmarried person <<<
check also 独身


pronunciation: tandoku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: single (n.), independence
単独の: tandokuno: single (a.), sole, individual, separate, singlehanded, independent
単独で: tandokude: singly, singlehanded, individually, separately, alone, independently, by oneself, for oneself
単独犯: tandokuhan: single offender <<<
単独犯行: tandokuhankou: single offense <<< 犯行
単独会見: tandokukaiken: exclusive interview <<< 会見
単独行為: tandokukoui: individual act <<< 行為
単独行動: tandokukoudou: independent action <<< 行動
単独講和: tandokukouwa: separate peace
単独内閣: tandokunaikaku: one-party [single-party] cabinet <<< 内閣
単独飛行: tandokuhikou: solo flight <<< 飛行
check also 一人


pronunciation: tanpo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance , realty   
translation: security, mortgage (n.), guarantee, pledge
担保に入れる: tanponiireru: give (a thing) as security pledge (for), mortgage (v.) <<<
担保に取る: tanponitoru: hold a mortgage on <<<
担保差押: tanposashiosae: foreclosure <<< 差押
担保物権: tanpobukken: real rights granted by a way of security
担保付: tanpotsuki: with security, covered, secured <<<
担保付貸金: tanpotsukikashikin: secured loan
担保付社債: tanpotsukishasai: secured debenture <<< 社債
担保付手形: tanpotsukitegata: bills with collateral securities <<< 手形
無担保: mutanpo: without security, uncovered <<<
拡張担保: kakuchoutanpo: extended coverage <<< 拡張
check also 抵当


pronunciation: dairi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job , law   
translation: proxy, substitution, supply
代理する: dairisuru: represent, act for, substitute (v.), surrogate
代理の: dairino: deputy, supply, substitute (a.), surrogate
代理の先生: dairinosensei: substitute [supply] teacher <<< 先生
代理で: dairide: by proxy
代理店: dairiten: agency, outlet, dealer <<< , ディーラー
代理人: dairinin: agent, deputy, substitute (n.), alternate, surrogate <<<
代理権: dairiken: power of procuration <<<
代理投票: dairitouhyou: proxy vote <<< 投票
代理大使: dairitaishi: chargé d'affaires, ad interim <<< 大使
代理判事: dairihanji: deputy judge
代理出産: dairishussan: surrogacy <<< 出産
代表代理: daihyoudairi: alternate delegate <<< 代表


pronunciation: dakyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: compromise, trade (with)
妥協する: dakyousuru: make a compromise, meet (a person) halfway, settle by mutual concession
妥協させる: dakyousaseru: reconcile
妥協案: dakyouan: compromise plan <<<
妥協点: dakyouten: common grounds <<<
妥協点を見出す: dakyoutennomiidasu: find out common grounds
check also 譲歩


pronunciation: dashin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: percussion, probe
打診する: dashinsuru: examine by percussion, tap, sound (a person on the matter), feel (a person) out


pronunciation: dasei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mechanics   
translation: inertia, momentum, force of habit
惰性で: daseide: by inertia, by force of habit, by custom


pronunciation: dandan   kanji characters:    other spells: 段段   keyword: construction   
translation: steps (plur.), terraces
段々と: dandanto: gradually, by degrees, hit by hit, little by little, step by step, increasingly
段々の: dandannno: terraced, in ters
段々畑: dandanbatake: terraced field <<<
check also 階段

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