Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 's'

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Direct access: 推測 , 睡眠 , 掏摸 , 頭上 , 所為 , 生活 , 精根 , 青春 , 生誕 , 青年


pronunciation: suisoku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: guess, supposition, conjecture (n.), inference, speculation
推測する: suisokusuru: guess (v.), suppose, conjecture (v.), infer, speculate
推測によって: suisokuniyotte: at a guess, by guess, by inference
推測が当たる: suisokugaataru: guess right, be right in one's conjecture <<<
推測が外れる: suisokugahazureru: guess wrong, be wrong in one's conjecture <<<
推測通り: suisokudoori: as one supposed (conjectured) <<<


pronunciation: suimin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: sleep (n.)
睡眠する: suiminsuru: sleep (v.), have a sleep
睡眠を取る: suiminnotoru <<<
睡眠が足りない: suimingatarinai: do not sleep well <<<
睡眠を妨げる: suiminnosamatageru: disturb one's sleep <<<
睡眠が浅い: suimingaasai: have a light sleep <<<
睡眠病: suiminbyou: sleeping sickness <<<
睡眠剤: suiminzai: sleeping drug [tablet] <<<
睡眠薬: suiminnyaku: sleeping drug <<<
睡眠時間: suiminjikan: hours of sleep, sleeping hours
睡眠不足: suiminbusoku: insufficient sleep
check also , 催眠


pronunciation: suri   other spells: スリ   keyword: crime   
translation: pickpocket
掏摸に遭う: suriniau: have one's pocket picked <<<
掏摸を働く: suriohataraku: pick a person's pocket <<<


pronunciation: zujou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: position   
translation: upon [over, above] the head, overhead
頭上に: zujouni
頭上に落ちる: zujouniochiru: fall on one's head <<<
頭上を見上げる: zujouomiageru: look overhead


pronunciation: sei   kanji characters: ,   
translation: cause, effect, fault
の所為で: noseide: owing [due] to, on account of
気の所為で: kinoseide: (feel) somehow, imagining things <<<
年の所為で: toshinoseide: because of [owing to] one's age <<<
寒さの所為で: samusanoseide: because of the cold weather <<<
の所為にする: noseinisuru: put [pin] (a matter) down to, lay (a fault) at a person's door


pronunciation: seikatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: life, existence, livelihood, living
生活する: seikatsusuru: live (v.)
生活の糧: seikatsunokate: one's means of living <<<
生活を立てる: seikatsuotateru: get [earn] one's living <<<
生活費: seikatsuhi: living budget, alimony <<<
生活難: seikatsunan: living difficulties <<<
生活苦: seikatsuku: hardships of life <<<
生活給: seikatsukyuu: living [subsistence] wages, livelihood pay <<<
生活保護: seikatsuhogo: welfare
生活手段: seikatsushudan: career <<< 手段
生活水準: seikatsusuijun: living standard <<< 水準
生活環境: seikatsukankyou: life environment
生活様式: seikatsuyoushiki: way of life <<< 様式
甘い生活: amaiseikatsu: La Dolce Vita (movie of Federico Fellini, 1960) <<<
私生活: shiseikatsu: private life <<<
著作で生活する: chosakudeseikatsusuru: live by the one's pen <<< 著作
学校生活: gakkouseikatsu: one's school life <<< 学校
学生生活: gakuseiseikatsu: student life <<< 学生
内面生活: naimenseikatsu: one's inner life <<< 内面
文筆で生活する: bunpitsudeseikatsusuru: live by one's pen <<< 文筆
私的生活: shitekiseikatsu: private life <<< 私的
独身生活: dokushinseikatsu: single life <<< 独身
二重生活: nijuuseikatsu: double life <<< 二重
寄生生活: kiseiseikatsu: parasitic life <<< 寄生
軍隊生活: guntaiseikatsu: military [army] life <<< 軍隊
軍人生活: gunjinseikatsu: army life <<< 軍人
郊外生活: kougaiseikatsu: life in the suburbs, suburban life <<< 郊外
水上生活: suijouseikatsu: living on the water <<< 水上
人間らしい生活: ningenrashiiseikatsu: life worthy of man <<< 人間
都会生活: tokaiseikatsu: city life <<< 都会
精神生活: seishinseikatsu: spirituel [inner] life <<< 精神
海上生活: kaijouseikatsu: seafaring life <<< 海上
放浪生活: hourouseikatsu: wandering [vagrant] life <<< 放浪
田園生活: dennenseikatsu: rural [country] life <<< 田園
田園生活をする: dennenseikatsuosuru: lead a rural [country] life <<< 田園
共同生活: kyoudouseikatsu: collective life, community life <<< 共同
日常生活: nichijouseikatsu: everyday [daily] life <<< 日常
役人生活: yakuninseikatsu: official life [career] <<< 役人
安楽な生活: anrakunaseikatsu: comfortable life <<< 安楽
キャンプ生活: kyanpuseikatsu: camping <<< キャンプ
テント生活: tentoseikatsu: camping <<< テント


pronunciation: seikon   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 精魂  
translation: heart and soul
精根を尽くす: seikonnotsukusu: do one's best, try one's utmost <<<
精根を打ち込む: seikonnouchikomu: devote all one's energy (to), put one's heart and soul (into)
精根を傾ける: seikonnokatamukeru <<<


pronunciation: seishun   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: youth, springtime of life
青春期: seishunki: adolescence <<<
青春時代: seishunjidai: one's youthful days


pronunciation: seitan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life , history   
translation: birth, nativity
生誕の地: seitannnochi: one's birth-place <<<
生誕の年: seitannnotoshi: year of birth <<<
生誕際: seitansai: birthday celebration <<<
check also


pronunciation: seinen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: youth, young man, adolescent
青年の: seinennno: young (a.), youthful
青年団: seinendan: young men's association <<<
青年期: seinenki: adolescence, one's youth <<<
青年時代: seinenjidai
青年男女: sennnendanjo: young people (men and women) <<< 男女
文学青年: bungakuseinen: literary-minded youth <<< 文学
check also 若者

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