Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 's'

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Direct access: 性欲 , 勢力 , 責任 , 咳払い , 世間 , 節操 , 背中 , 戦意 , 船員 , 先月


pronunciation: seiyoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sex   
translation: sexual [carnal] desire [appetite], lust
性欲を抑える: seiyokuoosaeru: control the sex drive <<<
性欲を満足させる: seiyokuomanzokusaseru: satisfy [satiate] one's carnal desire
性欲倒錯: seiyokutousaku: sexual perversion
性欲倒錯者: seiyokutousakusha: sexual pervert
変態性欲: hentaiseiyoku: abnormal sexuality, sexual perversion <<< 変態


pronunciation: seiryoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: influence, power
勢力の有る: seiryokunoaru: influential, powerful, weighty <<<
勢力の無い: seiryokunonai: powerless, uninfluential <<<
勢力を揮う: seiryokuohuruu: wield power, dominate <<<
勢力を張る: seiryokuoharu: extend one's influence <<<
勢力争い: seiryokuarasoi: struggle for power <<<
勢力家: seiryokuka: influential person <<<
勢力均衡: seiryokukinkou: balance of power
勢力範囲: seiryokuhanni: one's sphere of influence <<< 範囲
check also 権力 , パワー


pronunciation: sekinin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: responsibility, charge, blame
責任有る: sekininnaru: responsible, accountable <<<
責任が有る: sekiningaaru: be responsible [accountable]
責任を取る: sekininnotoru: take the responsibility (for), charge oneself (with) <<<
責任を負う: sekininnoou: take the responsibility, be responsible <<<
責任を負わぬ: sekininnoowanu: disclaim all the responsibility
責任を問う: sekininnotou: call a person to account <<<
責任を逃れる: sekininnonogareru: shirk one's responsibility <<<
責任者: sekininsha: responsible (person), person in charge <<<
責任感: sekininkan: sense of duty, duteousness <<<
責任観念: sekininkannnen: sense of responsibility
責任解除: sekininkaijo: release from responsibility <<< 解除
責任内閣: sekininnnaikaku: responsible Cabinet <<< 内閣
責任能力: sekininnnouryoku: accountability, competency
無責任: musekinin: irresponsibility <<<
無責任な: musekininnna: irresponsible
連帯責任: rentaisekinin: joint responsibility <<< 連帯
刑事責任: keijisekinin: criminal responsibility <<< 刑事
無限責任: mugensekinin: unlimited liability, unrestricted obligation <<< 無限
賠償責任: baishousekinin: liability of compensation <<< 賠償


pronunciation: sekibarai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: coughing
咳払いする: sekibaraisuru: clear one's throat, hem, cough


pronunciation: seken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: the public, people, the world, society
世間に知れる: sekennnishireru: get abroad, become public <<<
世間に出る: sekennnideru: go out into the world <<<
世間を憚る: sekennohabakaru: fear public opinion <<<
世間を騒が: susekennosawagasu: cause a public disturbance <<<
世間離れした: sekenbanareshita: unworldly, queer, eccentric <<<
世間知らず: sekenshirazu: person who knows but little of the world <<<
世間話: sekenbanashi: gossip, chat, small talk, light nothing <<<
世間的: sekenteki: worldly, earthly, mundane, social <<<
世間的地位: sekentekichii: one's social standing
世間体: sekentei: appearance, decency <<<
世間体を繕う: sekenteiotsukurou: keep up appearances <<<


pronunciation: sessou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sex   
translation: chastity, fidelity, integrity, constancy
節操の有る: sessounoaru: chaste, constant, principled <<<
節操の無い: sessounonai: unchaste, inconstant, unprincipled <<<
節操を守る: sessouomamoru: keep one's chastity, keep one's principles <<<
節操を捨てる: sessouosuteru: abandon one's principles <<<
節操を破る: sessouoyaburu <<<
check also 貞操


pronunciation: senaka   kanji characters: ,    keyword: body   
translation: back (of a body)
背中を向ける: senakaomukeru: turn one's back <<<
背中を向けて: senakaomukete: with one's back turned toward
背中合わせに: senakaawaseni: back to back (with) <<<


pronunciation: senni   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: fighting spirit, fight
戦意を失う: sennioushinau: lose one's fighting spirit <<<


pronunciation: sennin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: ship   
translation: crew, ship's company, crewman, seaman, sailor
船員名簿: senninmeibo: muster roll
check also セーラー


pronunciation: sengetsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar   
translation: last month, previous month
先月号: sengetsugou: previous month's issue <<<
check also 来月

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