Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'of'

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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: insect    nb of strokes: 11
translation: firefly
蛍: hotaru
蛍の光: hotarunohikari: glow of a firefly, Auld Lang Syne (a Scottish song) <<<
Kanji words: 蛍光

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: disaster    nb of strokes: 11
translation: crumble, collapse, destroy
崩れる: kuzureru: crumble, go to pieces, collapse, fall (down), give away, get out of shape, slump
崩す: kuzusu: pull down, break down, destroy, change (a note into coins), simplify (a character)
崩れ落ちる: kuzureochiru: tumble down <<<
Kanji words: 雪崩 , 崖崩れ , 崩壊
Expressions: 売り崩す , 持ち崩す , 形が崩れる , 膝を崩す , 札を崩す , 列を崩す , 切り崩す , 土砂崩れ

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: clothes    nb of strokes: 11
translation: take [put, pull] off, remove
datsu, tatsu
脱ぐ: nugu: take [put, pull] off, remove
脱げる: nugeru: come off, slip off [down]
脱がす: nugasu: take [strip] off (a person's clothes), strip (a person) of, undress (a person)
脱し: moshi: if, accidentally
Kanji words: 脱線 , 脱毛 , 脱走 , 脱税 , 脱水 , 脱皮 , 離脱 , 脱出 , 脱獄 , 脱兎 , 脱臼 , 脱帽 , 脱臭 , 脱退 , 脱落 , 逸脱
Expressions: 服を脱ぐ , 靴を脱ぐ , 肩を脱ぐ , 肌を脱ぐ , 兜を脱ぐ , 着物を脱ぐ , 下駄を脱ぐ , 足袋を脱ぐ , 靴下を脱ぐ , 長靴を脱ぐ , 仮面を脱ぐ , 危地を脱する , 脱原発 , 死地を脱する , 履物を脱ぐ , 危機を脱する , 束縛を脱する , ベールを脱ぐ , ストッキングを脱ぐ , スランプを脱する , シャツを脱ぐ , ズボンを脱ぐ

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: food    nb of strokes: 11
translation: rude, coarse, rough
粗: ara: refuse [bony parts] of a fish, offal, defect, fault, flaw <<< 欠点
粗の無い: aranonai: flawless, perfect <<< , 完璧
粗を捜す: araosagasu: find fault with <<<
粗捜し: arasagashi: faultfinding <<<
粗い: arai: coarse, rough, raw
粗く: araku: coarsely, roughly, loosely
粗: hobo: almost, nearly, about, for the most part, roughly <<<
Kanji words: 粗品 , 粗雑 , 粗筋 , 粗食
Expressions: 粗利益

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: keep, hold
shitsu, shuu
執る: toru
執える: toraeru: catch, take [catch, get] hold of, seize, capture, arrest, apprehend <<<
Kanji words: 執念 , 執事 , 執着 , 執筆 , 執行 , 固執 , 確執
Expressions: 矛を執る , 家政を執る , 事務を執る
check also , ,

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: justice    nb of strokes: 11
translation: accuse, complain, quarrel, dispute
shou, ju
訟える: uttaeru: accuse (a person) of, bring a suit [an action] (against), sue (a person for), complain (of, that), appeal to, resort to
訟え: uttae: complaint, accusation, petition, appeal
訟う: arasou: quarrel (with a person, about a matter), be at odds with, contend (with a person for a thing), dispute <<<
訟しい: yakamashii: noisy, strict <<<
Kanji words: 訴訟

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: unit , tool    nb of strokes: 11
translation: pierce, pass, penetrate
貫: kan: ancient unit of money (jp.), unit of weight (3.75 kg)
貫く: tsuranuku: pierce [run, pass] through, penetrate
貫く: hiku: draw, pull, haul
Kanji words: 貫徹 , 貫通 , 突貫 , 貫禄 , 一貫
check also 穿

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: disease    nb of strokes: 11
translation: anxious, worried, concerned, ill, sick
患える: ureeru: be anxious [worried] (about, over), be concerned (about, for, over), be afraid of, fear <<< ,
患う: wazurau: fall [get] ill [sick]
Kanji words: 患者 , 疾患

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: art    nb of strokes: 11
translation: draw, paint, sketch, describe, depict, delineate
描く: egaku: draw, paint, sketch, draw [paint] a picture of, make a picture [painting, drawing, sketch] of, describe, depict, delineate, picture (a matter) in one's mind, imagine, visualize
Kanji words: 描写 , 絵描 , 素描
Expressions: 輪を描く , 眉を描く , 絵を描く , 円を描く , 漫画を描く , 輪郭を描く , 半円を描く , 曲線を描く , 横顔を描く , 人物を描く , クレヨンで描く

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: game    nb of strokes: 12
translation: game of go, chess
ki, gi
棋: go: game of go <<<
棋: shougi: chess <<< 将棋 , チェス
Kanji words: 将棋

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