Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'ski'

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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: death    nb of strokes: 7
translation: avoid, disgusting, detestable, hideous
忌まわしい: imawashii: disgusting, detestable, hideous
忌まわしく思う: imawashikuomou: detest, abhor, loathe <<<
忌む: imu: detest, abhor, loathe, avoid, taboo
忌むべき: imubeki: abominable, detestable
Expressions: 一周忌 , 一回忌

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: road    nb of strokes: 7
translation: branch (of road)
ki, gi
岐: edamichi
Kanji words: 分岐 , 岐路 , 岐阜

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: religion    nb of strokes: 8
translation: pray
祈る: inoru: pray (to), offer [give] prayers
祈り: inori: prayer, invocation, request
祈りを奉げる: inoriosasageru: offer one's prayers <<<
Kanji words: 祈願 , 祈祷
Expressions: 天に祈る , 幸せを祈る , 神に祈る , 朝の祈り , 幸福を祈る , 神様にお祈りする , 幸運を祈る , 無事を祈る , 無事を祈ります , 開運を祈る

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: curious, strange, rare
奇を好む: kiokonomu: be fond of singularity [the unusual] <<<
奇を衒う: kioterau: make a display of one's originality <<<
奇し: kushi: curious, strange
奇しくも: kushikumo: miraculously, by a curious coincidence
奇しい: mezurashii: curious, rare <<<
奇しい: ayashii: strange <<<
Kanji words: 奇怪 , 奇襲 , 奇観 , 好奇心 , 怪奇 , 奇行 , 奇才 , 奇異 , 奇術 , 奇遇 , 奇抜 , 奇数 , 奇跡 , 奇妙 , 奇形

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: transport    nb of strokes: 9
translation: rut, (wheel) track, road (ext.), way
軌: wadachi: rut, wheel track <<<
軌: michi: road, way <<<
軌を一にする: kioitsunisuru: have the same way of doing <<<
Kanji words: 軌跡 , 軌道 , 狭軌 , 広軌

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: history    nb of strokes: 10
translation: princess, queen
姫: hime: princess, girl of a good family (jp.)
姫: kisaki: queen <<<
姫: musume: girl (jp.) <<<
Kanji words: 歌姫 , 姫路
Expressions: 白雪姫 , シンデレラ姫

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: disaster    nb of strokes: 10
translation: hunger, starvation
飢える: ueru: starve, be starving, be [feel, go] hungry, hunger [thirst] (for)
飢えた: ueta: hungry, starved
飢え: ue: hunger, starvation
飢えを凌ぐ: ueoshinogu: keep off hunger, keep the wolf from the door <<<
Kanji words: 飢餓
Expressions: 血に飢えた

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: already, be exhausted, be consumed
既に: sudeni: already, long ago
既きる: tsukiru: be exhausted, be used up, be consumed, be gone, run out [low], peter out <<<
Kanji words: 既存 , 既製 , 既成

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: fantasy    nb of strokes: 10
translation: spirit, ogre, demon, fiend, devil
鬼: oni: spirit, ogre, demon, fiend, devil, brave (jp.), big (jp.)
鬼の様な: oninoyouna: fiendish, demoniac, inhuman, cruel <<<
鬼の目にも涙: oninomenimonamida: Even a foul fiend is capable of compassion
鬼の首でも取った様に: oninokubidemotottayouni: triumphantly, as happily as a king
鬼ごっこ: onigokko: tag, blindman's buff
鬼ごっこをする: onigokkoosuru: play tag, play blindman's buff
鬼: bakemono: demon, fiend, devil <<< 化物
Kanji words: 天邪鬼 , 鬼灯 , 餓鬼 , 鬼滅 , 鬼門
Expressions: 吸血鬼 , 鬼百合 , 鬼も十八 , 殺人鬼

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: geography    nb of strokes: 11
translation: steep, inaccessible
崎しい: kewashii: steep, inaccessible <<<
崎: saki: cape (jp.)
崎: misaki <<<
Kanji words: 川崎 , 宮崎 , 長崎

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