Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 's'

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Direct access: 必死 , 人妻 , 秘密 , 表情 , 費用 , 病気 , 夫婦 , 復縁 , 負担 , 赴任


pronunciation: hisshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war , sport   
translation: despair
必死の: hisshino: desperate, frantic
必死に: hisshini: desperately, for one's life
必死に泳ぐ: hisshinioyogu: swim for one's life <<<
必死の努力をする: hisshinodoryokuosuru: make desperate efforts <<< 努力
必死に抵抗する: hisshiniteikousuru: resist fiercely
check also 決死


pronunciation: hitoZuma   kanji characters: ,    keyword: family   
translation: another's wife, married woman
check also 夫人


pronunciation: himitsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: security   
translation: secret (n.), secrecy, mystery
秘密の: himitsuno: secret (a.), private, arcane
秘密に: himitsuni: secretly, in secret [private], confidence, privately
秘密裏, 秘密裡: himitsuri: in secret
秘密が漏れる: himitsugamoreru: A secret gets [leaks] out <<<
秘密を漏らす: himitsuomorasu: reveal [break, let out, give away] a secret
秘密を明かす: himitsuoakasu: let (a person) into a secret, disclose a secret, take (a person) into one's confidence, trust (a person) with a secret <<<
秘密を誓う: himitsuochikau: swear secrecy <<<
秘密を守る: himitsuomamoru: keep a secret, maintain secrecy <<<
秘密文書: himitsubunsho: confidential document
秘密書類: himitsushorui
秘密団体: himitsudantai: secret organization [society]
秘密結社: himitsukessha <<< 結社
秘密調査: himitsuchousa: secret inquiry <<< 調査
秘密探偵: himitsutantei: secret agent <<< 探偵
秘密会議: himitsukaigi: private [secret] meeting, conclave <<< 会議
秘密条約: himitsujouyaku: secret treaty
synonyms: , 極秘 , , ,


pronunciation: hyoujou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: art   
translation: facial expression, one's look
表情に富んだ: hyoujounitonda: expressive <<<
表情豊かな: hyoujouyutakana <<<
表情の無い: hyoujounonai: expressionless, blank, vacant, wooden <<<
表情に乏しい: hyoujounitoboshii <<<
表情を硬くする: hyoujouokatakusuru: harden one's face <<<
check also 表現


pronunciation: hiyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accounting   
translation: expenditure, expense, cost
費用が掛かる: hiyougakakaru: be expensive [costly] <<<
費用の掛かる: hiyounokakaru: expensive, costly
費用が嵩む: hiyougakasamu: One's expenses run up <<<
費用を惜しまない: hiyouooshimanai: spare no expense <<<
費用を負担する: hiyouohutansuru: bear the expenses <<< 負担
check also 経費


pronunciation: byouki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: illness, sickness
病気な: byoukina: sick, ill
病気の: byoukino
病気勝ちの: byoukigachino: sickly <<<
病気に罹る: byoukinikakaru: fall [get, be taken] ill, take sick <<<
病気に成る: byoukininaru <<<
病気が治る: byoukiganaoru: get well [better], recover from one's illness <<<
病気を治す: byoukionaosu: cure, heal, remedy
病気を移す: byoukioutsusu: transmit disease <<<
病気を拗らす: byoukiokojirasu: have complications <<<
病気届: byoukitodoke: report of illness, sick-report <<<
病気欠席: byoukikesseki: absence due to illness <<< 欠席
病気休暇: byoukikyuuka: sick leave
病気見舞: byoukimimai: visit to a sick person <<< 見舞
重い病気: omoibyouki: serious [severe] sickness [illness] <<<
軽い病気: karuibyouki: slight illness [sickness] <<<


pronunciation: huuhu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: family , love   
translation: couple (husband and wife), pair
夫婦の: huuhuno: conjugal, marital, matrimonial
夫婦の縁: huuhunoen: marriage-tie, marriage [wedding] knot <<<
夫婦に成る: huuhuninaru: get married, live in wedlock <<<
夫婦連れで: huuhuZurede: with one's wife [husband] <<<
夫婦愛: huuhuai: conjugal affection <<<
夫婦仲: huuhunaka: conjugal relations <<<
夫婦喧嘩: huuhugenka: domestic scene
新夫婦: shinhuuhu: newly married couple, newlyweds <<<
若夫婦: wakahuuhu: young couple, young married <<<
老夫婦: rouhuuhu: old couple <<<
鴛鴦夫婦: oshidorihuuhu: happily married couple <<< 鴛鴦
似合の夫婦: niainohuuhu: well-matched couple <<< 似合
check also


pronunciation: hukuen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: love   
translation: reinstatement of marriage
復縁する: hukuensuru: be reinstated as a person's wife [husband]
check also


pronunciation: hutan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: burden (n.), responsibility, charge
負担する: hutansuru: bear, support, shoulder
負担を課する: hutannokasuru: burden (v.), charge, tax, impose a burden on <<<
負担を掛ける: hutannokakeru <<<
負担を軽くする: hutonnokarukusuru: lighten the burden <<<
負担額: hutangaku: one's share, allotment <<<
費用を負担する: hiyouohutansuru: bear the expenses <<< 費用
当方負担で: touhouhutande: at our own cost [risk] <<< 当方


pronunciation: hunin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: leave [start] for one's (new) post
赴任する: huninsuru
赴任地: huninchi: place of appointment, one's (new) post <<<
check also 帰任

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