Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'as'

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Direct access: 使用 , 素人 , 紳士 , 審判 , 事実 , 事情 , 実感 , 実際 , 実物 , 重大


pronunciation: shiyou   kanji characters: 使 ,    keyword: job   
translation: use (n.), usage
使用する: shiyousuru: use (v.), employ
使用される: shiyousareru: be used, be in use
使用に耐える: shiyounitaeru: be fit for use, stand use <<<
使用に供する: shiyounikyuusuru: place at a person's disposal <<<
使用法: shiyouhou: directions for use, manual <<< , マニュアル , 用法
使用人: shiyounin: (house) employee, servant <<< , 下男 , 雇人
使用者: shiyousha: user, employer <<<
使用中: shiyouchuu: occupied <<<
使用権: shiyouken: right of using <<<
使用料: shiyouryou: rent <<<
使用価値: shiyoukachi: utility value <<< 価値
使用禁止: shiyoukinshi: do not use <<< 禁止
未使用: mishiyou: boxed as new, unopened, not used <<<
未使用品: mishiyouhin: unopened goods [article] <<< 用品
synonyms: 利用


pronunciation: shirouto   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: amateur
素人の: shiroutono: amateurish, untrained, hobby
素人臭い: shiroutokusai <<<
素人離れした: shiroutobanareshita: far from amateurish, as good as professional <<<
素人考え: shiroutokangae: layman's view [idea] <<<
素人筋: shiroutosuji: outsiders, general public <<<
素人芸: shiroutogei: amateurism <<<
素人芝居: shiroutoshibai: amateur dramatic performance <<< 芝居
素人劇団: shiroutogekidan: amateur theatre <<< 劇団
素人画家: shiroutogaka: hobby painter <<< 画家
素人下宿: shiroutogeshuku: (amateur) boarding house, pension <<< 下宿
antonyms: 玄人


pronunciation: shinshi   kanji characters: ,   
translation: gentleman
紳士ぶる: shinshiburu: pose as [set up for] a gentleman
紳士的: shinshiteki: gentlemanly, gentlemanlike <<<
紳士服: shinshihuku: men's wear <<<
紳士録: shinshiroku: who's who <<<
紳士協定: shinshikyoutei: gentleman's agreement <<< 協定
円満な紳士: enmannnashinshi: perfect gentleman <<< 円満
check also 男性


pronunciation: shinpan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport   
translation: judge, referee
審判する: shinpansuru: judge (v.), act as umpire [referee]
審判を下す: shinpannokudasu: give a judgment <<<
審判員: shinpannin: referee, umpire (person) <<<
審判者: shinpansha <<<
最後の審判: saigonoshinpan: the last judgment <<< 最後
synonyms: アンパイア


pronunciation: jijitsu   kanji characters: ,   
translation: truth, fact, reality
事実に反する: jijitsunihansuru: be contrary to the fact <<<
事実に即した: jijitsunisokushita: conform to the truth <<<
事実に基づいた: jijitsunimotoZuita <<<
事実を語る: jijitsuokataru: speak the truth, state the fact <<<
事実を言う: jijitsuoiu <<<
事実を曲げる: jijitsuomageru: falsify facts, pervert the truth <<<
事実と成る: jijitsutonaru: come true, come to pass, become a reality <<<
事実上: jijitsujou: as a matter of fact <<<
事実無根の: jijitsumukonnno: unfounded, groundless
事実調査: jijitsuchousa: fact-finding <<< 調査
既成事実: kiseijijitsu: accomplished [established] fact, fait accompli <<< 既成
起訴事実: kisojijitsu: indicted facts <<< 起訴
synonyms: 真実 , 実際


pronunciation: jijou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: circumstances, state of affairs, conditions, reasons
事情に拠っては: jijouniyotteha: possibly <<<
事情に応じて: jijounioujite <<<
事情が許せば: jijougayuruseba: as far as circumstances permit <<<
事情の許す限り: jijounoyurusukagiri: as far as circumstances permit
事情を明らかにする: jijouoakirakanisuru: clear up matters <<<
国内事情: kokunaijijou: domestic (internal) affairs <<< 国内
内部の事情: naibunojijou: internal affairs <<< 内部
海外事情: kaigaijijou: foreign affairs <<< 海外
食糧事情: shokuryoujijou: food situation <<< 食糧
特殊事情: tokushujijou: special circumstances <<< 特殊


pronunciation: jikkan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: natural feeling, realization
実感する: jikkansuru: realize, feel natural
実感が出る: jikkangaderu: make one feel as if it were really, lend realism <<<
実感的: jikkanteki: realistic <<<


pronunciation: jissai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: practice, actual condition, reality, truth, fact
実際の: jissaino: practical, actual, real, true
実際の所: jissainotokoro: to tell the truth, as it is <<<
実際に: jissaini: in practice, actually, in fact, truly, really, indeed, virtually, as a matter of fact, in reality
実際は: jissaiwa: in reality
実際的: jissaiteki: practical, matter-of-fact, down-to-earth <<<
実際的考え: jissaitekikangae: practical idea <<<
実際的知識: jissaitekichishiki: practical knowledge <<< 知識
実際家: jissaika: practical man <<<
実際教育: jissaikyouiku: practical instruction, object-lesson, visual instruction <<< 教育
実際問題: jissaimondai: practical question <<< 問題
実際価格: jissaikakaku: cash value <<< 価格
synonyms: 事実


pronunciation: jitsubutsu   kanji characters: ,   
translation: real thing, actual object, genuine article, original
実物そっくり: jitsubutsusokkuri: same as the original, lifelike
実物大: jitsubutsudai: actual size, life-size, full-size <<<
実物大の: jitsubutsudaino: of actual size, as large as life, life-sized, full-sized
実物教育: jitsubutsukyouiku: object lesson <<< 教育
実物取引: jitsubutsutorihiki: spot transaction <<< 取引
synonyms: 本物


pronunciation: juudai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: seriousness, gravity, importance
重大性: juudaisei <<<
重大な: juudaina: serious, grave, important, weighty, momentous
重大な過ち: juudainaayamachi: gross mistake <<<
重大な過失: juudainakashitsu <<< 過失
重大な時期: juudainajiki: crucial moment <<< 時期
重大に成る: juudaininaru: become serious, aggravate <<<
重大化する: juudaikasuru <<<
重大視する: juudaishisuru: take (a matter) seriously, regard (a matter) as serious, attach great importance to <<<
重大事件: juudaijiken: serious affair [case] <<< 事件
重大声明: juudaiseimei: momentous announcement <<< 声明
重大責任: juudaiseikinin: grave responsibility <<< 責任
synonyms: 重要

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