日英翻訳辞書・事典: 「嫌がらせを言う」の翻訳

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カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    画数: 13
翻訳:hate, detest, dislike, doubt
ケン, ゲン
嫌う: きらう: hate, detest, dislike
嫌い: きらい: dislike (of, for), distaste (for), abhorrence, aversion (to, for), antipathy (to), hatred, touch, tinge
嫌いな: きらいな: disagreeable, disgusting, hateful
嫌: いや: refusal
嫌な: いやな, やな: disagreeable, hateful, unwilling, reluctant
嫌な臭: いやなにおい, やなにおい: nasty [offensive] smell <<< , 悪臭
嫌な奴: いやなやつ, やなやつ: odious [disgusting] fellow, cunt <<<
嫌な顔をする: いやなかおをする, やなかおをする: make a (wry) face, look displeased <<<
嫌に: いやに, やに: strangely, awfully, terribly, provokingly
嫌に成る: いやになる, やになる: get tired [sick] of, grow weary of, become disgusted (with) <<<
嫌がる: いやがる, やがる: dislike, hate, be unwilling [reluctant] (to do)
嫌がらせ: いやがらせ: offense, disagreeable [spiteful] thing
嫌がらせを言う: いやがらせをいう: say a disagreeable [spiteful] thing (to) <<<
嫌う: うたがう: doubt, have doubts (on, about), be doubtful (of) <<<
熟語:嫌味 , 嫌気 , 機嫌
語句:所嫌わず , 負けず嫌い , 外人嫌い , 人間嫌い , 貴方嫌い , 信心嫌い

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