日英翻訳辞書・事典: 「踏み均す」の翻訳

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カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    キーワード: スポーツ    画数: 15
翻訳:step, trample, go through, visit
踏む: ふむ: step [tread] on, go through, finish, value [estimate] (a thing), visit
踏まえる: ふまえる: trample, consider
踏み荒す: ふみあらす: trample down, ravage <<<
踏み替える: ふみかえる: change step <<<
踏み固める: ふみかためる: tread [stamp] down <<<
踏み切る: ふみきる: step out of the ring, take off, make a bold start, take a plunge <<< , 踏切
踏み砕く: ふみくだく: trample (a thing) to pieces <<<
踏み消す: ふみけす: stamp [tread] out (the fire) <<<
踏み越える: ふみこえる: step over (a thing) <<<
踏み込む: ふみこむ: step into, rush [break] into, trespass (on), make a raid (in, into) <<<
踏み倒す: ふみたおす: trample down, bilk (a debt, a bill) <<<
踏み出す: ふみだす: step forward, advance <<<
踏み付ける: ふみつける: stamp down, stomp, tread on, insult <<< , 侮辱
踏ん付ける: ふんづける <<<
踏み潰す: ふみつぶす: smash (a thing) by treading on it <<<
踏み躙る: ふみにじる: trample [tread] (a thing) underfoot
踏み外す: ふみはずす: miss one's foot, lose one's footing <<<
踏み止まる: ふみとどまる: remain, stand [hold] one's ground (against), make a stand (against), remain [stay] in office <<<
踏み均す: ふみならす: level (the earth) by treading down <<<
踏み鳴らす: ふみならす: stamp one's feet, tread heavily <<<
踏み躙る: ふみにじる: trample [tread] (a thing) underfoot
踏んだり蹴ったり: ふんだりけったり: be treated like a dog, have insult added to injury <<<
熟語:踏台 , 踏切 , 雑踏
語句:轍を踏む , 猫踏んじゃった , 韻を踏む , 韻を踏んだ , 鞴を踏む , 舞台を踏む , 手続を踏む , アクセルを踏む , ペダルを踏む , ステップを踏む
同意語: ,

  1. 英訳国語辞典(日)
  2. 英訳片仮名辞典(日)
  3. クイックサーチ (同時に三つの辞書)
1 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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